Monthly Spell Box

$44.44 every month

Receive a themed box each month with a written spell, items to perform the spell such as (but not limited to) herbs, oils, salts, powders, or other accoutrements as needed, a crystal or mineral item, incense sample, a handmade piece of magical jewelry or altar tool, and whatever other random thing it occurs to me to stick in there! You also get access to the Monthly Magic Marco Polo group and the Crepuscular Conjurations private facebook group.

You also have the option of upgrading up to a “deluxe” crystal of my choice. It will be worth 3-5x more than the one that comes in the box. Examples shown in last 3 photos.

With the exception of September, subscription boxes are sent out within the first 5 business days of the month. September boxes will be sent out when I return from Anahata’s Purpose.

Photos are samples of past boxes I’ve sent out.


Receive a themed box each month with a written spell, items to perform the spell such as (but not limited to) herbs, oils, salts, powders, or other accoutrements as needed, a crystal or mineral item, incense sample, a handmade piece of magical jewelry or altar tool, and whatever other random thing it occurs to me to stick in there! You also get access to the Monthly Magic Marco Polo group and the Crepuscular Conjurations private facebook group.

You also have the option of upgrading up to a “deluxe” crystal of my choice. It will be worth 3-5x more than the one that comes in the box. Examples shown in last 3 photos.

With the exception of September, subscription boxes are sent out within the first 5 business days of the month. September boxes will be sent out when I return from Anahata’s Purpose.

Photos are samples of past boxes I’ve sent out.