Integrating Witchcraft into Daily Life with Amber from Ambling Witchcraft

Join us as we welcome Amber from Ambling Witchcraft, who reveals the secrets of integrating small acts of magic into everyday life. Amber's journey into witchcraft is a tapestry woven with rich family history, including her great-grandmother's hedge witchery. She invites us to explore her daily magical practices, from stirring coffee with intention to honoring deities with candlelight. Amber's insights are invaluable for anyone new to the craft, offering practical advice on balancing structure and flexibility in magical rituals.

Discover how to become your favorite self without falling into the trap of toxic productivity. Amber and I discuss the importance of authenticity and joy, the missteps of early witchcraft practices, and the evolution towards a more intuitive approach. Learn how to combat imposter syndrome and harness the energy of the goddess Nike for perseverance. Plus, get tips on focusing on one area of interest at a time to avoid overwhelm and the benefits of connecting with friends who have different niche interests. We wrap up with some light-hearted moments and a recommendation to explore the captivating world of mushrooms.

Visit Amber now at Ambling Witchcraft!



Welcome back to Your Average Witch, where every Tuesday we talk about witch life, witch stories and sometimes a little witchcraft. Your Average Witch is brought to you by Crepuscular Conjuration. In this episode I'm talking to Amber of Ambling Witchcraft. We talked about how to be the best you, Amber gives some advice to new witches, and talks about how you can safely do shadow work. Before we get started, I want to remind you that Anahata's Purpose is coming up fast. If you've been listening for very long at all, you've probably heard me talk about Anahata's Purpose. It is the life-changing- that sounds so cornball, but it did actually change my life, spiritual retreat just outside Philadelphia. It happens from the 5th to the 8th of September this year. Tickets are on sale now. They are still available. You can still come hang out and cry in the river with me if you want to. I probably won't be crying this year. Maybe I have my shit together. I will be teaching a class called Intuitive Spellcrafting with Grandpa Kimothy, and Witch Bitch Amateur Hour will be there this year doing a live show with Two Geminis and a Leo. There is a call-and-response event on Thursday night called the Show, run by Corey's Cauldron. There's a lot happening and you're going to miss out if you aren't there. You'll want to be there. Buy a ticket, come see us at Anahata's Purpose. It is my favorite part of the year. Any year, all year. You can buy your ticket at Now let's get to the stories. Amber hello, welcome back. 



Hello, thanks for having me!



Thanks for making another appearance. Can you please let everybody know who you are and what you do and where they can find you? 

Amber Guest


Absolutely, I am Amber. I have You can also find me at Ambling Witchcraft. Wherever you get your dose of social media, I am a stay-at-home parent, an ambling witch, the word is very intentional, and a blogger. 



Cool, also, we're friends. 

Amber Guest


And we're friends.

Kim Host


Can you tell me what it means when you call yourself a witch? 



So to me, being a witch is being a scholar and a witness to the world how it actually is and not how others tell you it should be. We're here to learn and grow and help. So I call myself a witch because I'm a helper and a knowledge seeker. 



I like that one. That's new. 



Yay, I like being new. 



Can I tell people your nickname? 






Okay, In our group we call Amber Teddy Ted Talk because she educates us. 



And it's great.



She's much appreciated and often when there's like discussion about whatever, usually psych stuff, I think “I hope Amber comes in here soon.”

Amber Guest


Oh, you have a super niche question about a super niche topic? Let me show up with five books, two websites and a podcast about it.

Kim Host


That's why you should visit her website, because you can benefit just like we do. Do you have any family history with witchcraft? 



So I just talked to my mom about this yesterday. I, yeah, I grew up believing that, we didn't have any family witch, or family history of witchcraft, that we were all very, very church people. And yesterday I learned that I was wrong. Well, my family, my family, is definitely very, very church people, but I'm from a long line of psychics. My mom calls them earth women. She says it's closest to hedge witchery, and she actually gave me a picture of my great grandma Nonna, which is my mother's mother's mom- that's a long list, who was from Scotland and who would work with herbs and like, would heal others and like. Her default was to go into her garden and make a tincture for somebody and was also the wife of a southern baptist preacher.

Kim Host


That's cool.

Amber Guest


So yeah, I was just like, mind blown. And when I turned around I was like so, I just went back to my roots. She's like yeah, yeah.

Kim Host


Did did she mind? 

Amber Guest



Kim Host


 I don't know how my family feels about it.

Amber Guest


It actually makes a lot of sense when my mom wasn't freaked out, when I would just know things as a kid. She likes to tell a story about when I was like five or six and this is in the 90s, so there's no cell phones and my mother turns to me, says, hey, where's your oldest sister? I was like, oh, she's out with her boyfriend and she'll be home at 5:43. And sure enough, that was the time my sister walked in the front door. So she apparently used me as a tracker app for my elder siblings. 



That's sus, mom.




Yeah, super sus, so yeah super sus. 



So yeah, can you introduce us to your practice anything you do regularly or consistently? 



So, oh yeah, all right, I  call myself an ambling witch because I need a gentle approach to the craft, because too much structure makes me nauseous and not enough structure means nothing happens. So I consistently have a microburst of magic that I do every day. I learned to integrate it so thoroughly in my routine that I forget I'm doing it, which is also fun. So consistently I stir my coffee a specific way, begging the beans to give me energy and patience for the day. I always stir my food a specific direction, either clockwise to bring things in or counterclockwise to send things out, to the point where now that's how my husband cooks things my muggle husband, to be fair. I made the decision once to figure out what I was going to honor every day of the week as far as runes go or deities go, and so I try to light a candle every day with that rune or that deity in mind. But other than that, shake your ass for Jupiter is really the only consistent practice that I do, because, object permanence issues is a thing.



Me too. Why- why did that become the only thing we all do? 



Because it's so much fun and it's so easy. And every Thursday my house gets a house cleansing using my Amazon alexis, like why not? 




It's just interesting that we all do that. That's the one thing we all do. That's cool.

Amber Guest


It's because we're a coven.

Kim Host


That's weird. Yeah, how would you say witchcraft changed your life?



Oh, I'm more confident. I feel like who I am, unless life is happening to a thing that I happen to be a part of. It adds color and kaleidoscope of experiences to me. It brings peace. 2020 is when I really came into the craft, like many of us, but it helped me give actionable things that I could do to influence my life when so much was out of my control. So it helped me find who I am, outside of the context of what everybody expects me to be. 



Good one, that's good. Cool. Thanks for the new try. All right, great. What's the biggest motivator in your practice, and has it changed since you first started? 



I don't know if it's changed since I first started, but also I can't remember that far back. But the biggest motivator is I get to be the favorite version of me. I get to be a happy, stable, connected mom to my kids, loving, animated, peaceful wife to my husband. I get a version of myself that's authentic. That's a big motivator for me, is it drives me to finding my favorite version of me Maybe not the best version of me, but the version of me that I love the most. Because I get to help and I get to be loving and kind and knowledgeable and come to people with solutions when they ask for it and comfort when they don't, and I just burst out of a pile of books and start providing references, as mentioned earlier. It's just my favorite me and so that's my motivators. I get to still be that every day, no matter the context. 



You don't think that's the best you, because it seems like you changed your mind immediately after you said that word. 



So when I think of the word the best version of you, I think of toxic positivity spaces online. 



Okay, where you're the most productive self. 







But I thought you were being… That would be the best version of you, to me, is what you described the reason you like it. 




Absolutely. I'm just using a terminology shift, because be your best self has been a marketing campaign for people who want you to make them money. 

Kim Host


Okay, that's fair. Yes, and my best self as profitable. But I'm just telling you that I think your best self is the one that you described. 



Yes, yep, my favorite self is my best self because it's my good self. 

Kim Host


The goodest one , like with dogs! It’s best self because it's the goodest one like, like the dogs, it's the goodest self. 

Amber Guest



Kim Host


What's your biggest struggle when it comes to your practice? 



Oh, consistency. My husband has made his phone as Inconsistent Muffin, aka Da Boss, and I never know from one day to the next how much energy I'm going to have to put towards the things that are important to me. It's as much of a mystery to me as it is to everybody else, and so finding ways to consistently engage in witchcraft and not just immediately go to the mundane solution, which is fine, but sometimes the witchcraft solution to a problem is so much more fun and fulfilling than the mundane one, like cleaning your house yes, you have to do mundane actions to do that, but it's more fun if you also blast dance music in the background to get the icky energy out at the same time. So remembering to do that part of it and being consistent with that is the biggest struggle that I have. 



Do you also have imposter syndrome? 

Amber Guest


Oh, hell, yeah, what? Imposter syndrome is basically my middle name. 

Kim Host


OK great.  I'll make a note.

Amber Guest 


Often I just summon the goddess Nike and just do it. She personifies victory, right, in any field, including art, music, athletics, war, if you must. But it's like sometimes you just gotta white knuckle through it and just be like I'm gonna do it anyway. And also I get the opportunity to fool them all when I do like if I don't belong here, then I'm going to trick everybody into believing that I do and just be the master of disguise. 



Too bad for you being stupid. You should have caught me. That's a good one. 



So yeah, it's half white-knuckling it through life and half reminding myself of the badass things that I've already accomplished, like helping manifest houses for friends or making a balm that helps my my husband's nerve pain and putting runes on it to make it even better.

Kim Host


Balm with an L, people.

Amber Guest


Yes, yes, yes, balm.

Kim Host


Because I heard the other one first, I thought you didn't tell me about the bomb.

Amber Guest


It is a permanent solution. I'm not gonna lie. 



Before I interrupted you making jokes, did you finish your thought? 



I don't remember. 



Dammit. I was very startled when you said it. 



No, it's fine, it's very much just the “I'm going to show up anyway and then, if that doesn't work, I'm gonna remind myself why I'm cool.”



Yeah, yeah. What's something you did early on in your practice that you don't do anymore, and why don't you do it? 



Oh boy, when I first started every moon, every day, every planet correspondence, every cosmic event I was like I am all over this, like white on rice on a paper plate in a snowstorm. I'm going to do all of it all the time. And it was just so much like I was. I was having meltdowns, I was overwhelmed. There's too much information and my brain doesn't like to wait for the right moon to do a ritual. It doesn't want to wait for the correct day, I don't have time for that, I don't have attention span for that. And so now, instead of letting the cosmos decide, when I have the time and the energy, I just summon the essence of the moon cycle I need, on whatever day of the week I happen, to do this on and think of the cosmic event that I think would be helpful, like an eclipse or a planet alignment, and just put that essence into it, instead of getting so caught up in the details. I started getting caught up in the moment. That's cool, I try. 



What is your favorite tool? It does not have to be a physical object. 



At the risk of sounding arrogant, myself.

Kim Host


 I think more people to say that

Amber Guest


 I'm always, wherever I am, I always have me. I always will have me. I can't like, even if I break something on me, I'm still me as a whole thing. I'm like if you snap a wand in half now you have two pieces of wood right, like I have thingamabobs aplenty, don't get me wrong. But I only remember to charge me under the moons. I only remember to put me out in the storms, like I love playing with wands and cards and you know I have a gazillion candles around my house, but I'm me all of the time. So I'm my favorite tool and I use me to think of and manifest and do all of the other fun stuff. To think of and manifest and do all of that other fun stuff. Plus, I'm free. Besides groceries and cost of living, I don't cost money, which is great. 



I am very expensive. 



Well, that's because you're half robot. Let's be clear. 



And a Taurus. How do you pull yourself out of a magical slump or other slump? 



I'm actually working through that right now. Those in the Marco group have kind of seen me come in and out dealing with that and I have learned my overachieving, it has to be done now, now, now, efficient self has learned that rest, grace and a little defiance is necessary to avoid staying in burnout. Because I just want to jump back in and just be like I'm going to do all the things and I'm going to be great, I'm going to be back to the pinnacle of my success, and then I immediately burn out again because I didn't give myself enough time. So I start focusing on my mundane needs. Taking my vitamins, eating a semi nutritious, balanced diet. There's still potato chips in there, because potatoes, but like I start taking care of my body and then, once I start taking care of that and then taking care of my environment, I can focus on my magical needs because honestly it's, it's gotta be part of the secondary. But really, if you're not okay, your magic's not going to be okay. So to get out of a slump, I'm nice to myself, which is really hard for my Leo, Virgo, Leo. But it starts with that. It starts with mental health, it starts with physical health, and then you can go from there and then do all the fun witchy shit.

Kim Host


What brings you the most joy in your practice?

Amber Guest 


Oh, the most joy. That's hard because there's a lot, but I gotta say sharing it. Sharing it with my son, sharing it with my family, being able to see how my actions influence the things around me in a positive way. Candles, I love candles. I am so prepared for power outages it's ridiculous, but like being able to set the ambience of a room and then have people who have no idea walk into that room and just instantly feel better. Oh, I have such Freudenfreud over that. 



Hmm, what is something you wish was discussed more in the witch community? 



Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. 






I've said this many times, I will say this many times again. Shadow work is a psychological process created by Carl Jung and should be done with the help of a mental health professional, not some random Insta-blogger lady, please. Like it's not just this, something that's cool to say stuff, it's important, but it's deep, it's heavy, it brings up trauma. You need to do that with the support of the community and a support of an actual professional who knows what they're doing, so that you don't fall off a cliff. I love you too much to let you fall off that cliff. Witchcraft and the esoteric community very much stuck to shadow work because it's all intertwined, because it might as well be spicy psychology magic, but that's okay. There has to be guardrails. Don't just read it in a book or read it on a website or see it on Instagram and jump into it. It's not safe to do it that way. Please, for the love of god, go to therapy. That's my first rant. Definitely yeah. Secondly and this is another big one I see, while I love me a good herbal remedy, stop telling people not to take their Lexapro, man. 



Jesus Christ, take your psych meds. 



Take your medication Take ibuprofen. Whatever else you need to take, take it.



Magic isn't going to help my insulin.



Exactly. Alchemists, also known as scientists, created medicine. It's just alchemy that is sanctioned by the government like we love to see it. Yes, diffuse your lavender. Yes, you can use your peppermint oil if you're not allergic. But please take your pills, take your medicine, listen to your doctor, especially if you got a good one. Please listen to them, like in tandem with, not in lieu of, and that's that's the two biggest things that I see, especially with the newbies, and especially when you see those not so kind-hearted individuals trying to sell you something on the internet, being like do your shadow work and buy this herbal remedy. No, go to therapy. Listen to your doctors. Maybe integrate some nice herbal tea to help with your period cramps Like that's cool, but like not all or nothing. There's space for both. 



Thank you. 



Thank you for giving me a platform to yell about that. Top of the rooftops, the highest mountain. 



Strident came to mind. 

Amber Guest


Yes, this is a hill that I'm willing to die on.

Kim Host

Good, me too. Think about the three biggest influences on your practice, whether it's people or books, or theories or a piece of music you heard once. Thank them for the influence they have on your practice.




Absolutely. So the first one is a book called the Sorcerer's Companion, which is a guide to the magical world of Harry Potter. It originally came out in 2001 when I was 11. And it was my first real introduction to magic like numerology and arithmosy and astrology. It was the first time anybody had given me a book where that made sense and it has references in the back, so it's not like this whole made-up thing and it's not just from the harry potter world but they, like it gave me my first book list of what to go look up for. So I thank that book for making it okay to learn about magic and magical creatures and to tell me I wasn't crazy and I'm grateful and still refer to its pages. I still have the original copy I got when I was 11. And all of its torn page highlighted glory. The second is a person and it's my mom. She gave me my first tarot deck when I was seven. She talked to me about the ghost happenings in her house growing up and never made me feel ashamed of my psychic inclinations. She always encouraged me when I started on this path and showed her support in both big and small ways. Even before I came out of the broom closet, she would start gifting me chakra stones and tree of life light catchers. She was hinting that she knew. So I thank my mom, thank you for your gentle guidance and showing of love and helping me feel confident in my path forward and that you would be walking with me. 



That makes me like your mom more. Not that I dislike her, but wow. 



Yeah, she was super great and, mind you, we were still going to Methodist church when I was seven and she was just like you could learn tarot. 



Are you interested in runes? 



Yes, exactly. And then finally, and this is shameless and you're going to cry, maybe, so the Witch Bitch Amateur Hour and Crepuscular Conjurations, Your Average Witch podcast, specifically, was something that really helped me learn in a fun way. Getting that box every month from you, Kim, in the mail, from somebody who lived in the same place as me oh, my goodness, I don't have access to pine trees, it's the desert but I have river stones from the wash outside your house with runes carved in it. Like it was the first time in 20 some odd years of living here that I actually felt connected to here, because of the magic you put in those boxes, and how it aligned with what I learned from WBAH and how it aligned from what I learned from all the witches you've had on your podcast. And so it's a little bit of a conglomeration of all of these things, but especially you coming into my life at the very beginning, was like I could do something with this and you connecting me to the land that we live on. It's glee. I have sheer glee over this, so thank you for existing in my life as a whole. 



You've caught me on a good day. I'm not going to cry, but that makes me really happy. 



Aww, it's all your fault, Kim. 



That's weird that's super weird. I'm dumb. How can I have an influence on people? 



You've told me it's okay to be my full, authentic self every single day I've ever interacted with you and in the boxes and the spells you write. You're one of my favorite people.




Ouch! We need to go to the zoo. 



Yes, absolutely. 



When it's not the sun outside. What advice do you have for new witches? 

Amber Guest


Pick one thing, just one thing that you want to apply. There is a gazillion things you can choose from, but start with something that excites you, that you're drawn to, that interests you, and get good at that one thing. Just kind of focus on that one thing and make a list of the other things that you discover along the way that you want to research later. And once you feel like you've kind of gotten it down, like, say, you pick tarot and you feel like, okay, I've really gotten tarot down, I feel, feel confident at tarot, then explore the runes, then explore astrology, then pick something else. There is such a feeling in the wide world of the internet that you have to know everything about everything, or you have to be into all of it and you't Just pick one. Make that your special interest and make a list of the other stuff you want to explore later. And don't let the fear of missing out make you overwhelmed. Find a best friend who's made it something else their niche interest If you're doing tarot, find somebody who loves astrology and talk about it, but let them kind of tell you about it so you can learn. While focusing on what you're doing, your interest can change. You might start in tarot and be like this isn't for me, great. Stop researching tarot. Pick something else from the list, but don't try to boil the ocean. You will go insane. Take it from me I went completely crazy and then I didn't want to do any of it because there was too much. So just pick a major, maybe also a minor, just like in college, and just focus on those for a while until you feel like you can add something else. That would be my biggest advice. 



Who do you think I should have on the show? 



Sherry Dillard. 



With an S or a C?



S, S-H. She has a psychology degree and is a medium. She wrote the book You Are a Medium, along with 11 other books, and the way that she writes she just sounds like a lovely and wonderful person and I would love to hear her thoughts. 



Me too, now. Is there anything that I didn't ask you, that you wanted to talk about, or did you have any questions for me? Do you have anything going on on your website? 



Well, it would be remiss of me to not mention that it's Leo season. It's coming up. I turned 34 on the 25th of July, so happy birthday me. 

Kim Host


Happy birthday!

Amber Guest 


Thank you. I also want to take the opportunity to remind everyone that fire energy can be healing just as much as it can be destructive. So, as we build up to the political nightmare that is our country, (Kim whispers: Jesus Christ.) harness the fire of the season. Hold onto it as you may need it to burn the weeds from your path, burn bridges that no longer serve, and to warm you in the coming winter months. This is a good time to catch it in a jar or carve it in a candle and just hold on to it until you need it. And yeah, that's really just what I call it. It's time for fire, and Lionsgate is on the 8th of August, and don't let it run you over, babes. 



Good, great, feeling positive now. 



Capture the fire. Keep the fire as a pet. That's what candles are. It's keeping fire as pets. You'll do great.

Kim Host 


Okay great. Last two things. Thing number one, please recommend something to the listeners.

Amber Guest


Besides therapy?

Kim Host


 I was thinking, that's what you're gonna say, it's what I expected.

Amber Guest


Yes, please, please, go to therapy, go to support groups, all of that stuff, but if you really really want something fun, that's gonna take me a minute, give me a second. Learn about mushrooms, the magical, mystical world of mushrooms. Look them up, see what their meanings are, learn the folklore. Mushrooms are cute and adorable and wonderful, so I would recommend mushrooms of all varieties. 



Did you see the sound spike when I laughed? That is going to ruin my edit later. 



You're welcome.




The last thing is please tell me a story. 



Okay, so I instantly forgot every funny moment in my life up until this point except for one and a lot of my funny moments come from me being absolutely ridiculous. So me and my husband were having a spat. He, being a delight and a dear, was trying to respect my need to never make eye contact because it makes me deeply and horrifically uncomfortable. But I'm in an unreasonable fit and so I yell at him across the living room Look at me when I'm talking to you, oh no. And to wit, he responds I can't, you hate eye contact.

Kim Host


Good for him.

Amber Guest 


And both of us just started busting out laughing. It was the most absurd thing. Like I was genuinely, righteously angry and now all of a sudden I am crying. I am laughing so hard and I don't remember what I was mad about. Like it's ridiculous. So now, years later, every time especially me, but whenever either of us are being absolutely absurd the other person will yell out look at me when I'm talking to you, but don't make eye contact good, because yeah and that's how you turn an intrusive thought into a fun, wholesome story. 



Good though. 



Yeah, yeah, he's, he's, he's my, he's my rock. He's a very logical, straightforward, consistent person and I'm a very emotional, all over the place inconsistent person, and we work so good. 



Well, thank you for being on the show and for telling me a story, and for making me laugh and for hurting my feelings. Thank you for all of that. 



Thank you for letting me. 



Everybody go down to the show notes, click the link subscribe. Everybody go down to the show notes, click the link subscribe and I will see you on the internet. Okay, bye!

Amber Guest



Kim Host


Amber, welcome to Hive House, that you live in, that is your home, welcome home. 

Amber Guest


Buzz, buzz, motherfuckers!

Kim Host


Please say when, so I can pick a card.

Amber Guest



Kim Host

What is the best birthday gift you’ve ever gotten? (fades out) 

(fades in)Okay, when christians take sacrament, the body of Jesus is bread or cracker or whatever the hell they did as they eat, and the blood is wine or juice or whatever the hell they drink. What would sacrament be if we were taking in your body and your blood? 



Transubstantiation. Gotta love it Okay (fades out)




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4.32 Rachel on Anahata's Purpose 2024


4:30 Sabine of Hexenhaus